NB: This article is updated as of 30 April 2020. As this situation is novel and the government’s response to the outbreak is continuously developing, this article may not necessarily include updates or developments after this date.
On 23 April 2020, the Malaysian government announced a movement control order that will take effect from 28 April – 12 May 2020, as an attempt to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Among other things, the movement control order imposes a travel ban and requires government and private business premises to close, except those dealing with essential services.
Since the announcement, EST Advisory Management has been inundated with queries from employers as to how to manage their workforce during the movement control period. As this situation is novel and still developing, there is no specific legal precedent on the correct approach to be taken.
In consideration of employer in Malaysia, we’ve prepared a template for the employer to assign unpaid leave to the employee during this unprecedented time. You may download it via the button below.